2025 Ditch the Grocery Store Challenge Dashboard
Welcome here, friend! I’m so glad you are wanting to learn to make more from scratch and reduce your dependence on the grocery store. This is a journey that our family has been on for many years now and we have benefited in so many ways. Our health has improved drastically! It allows us to spend more time at home in the kitchen together instead of out and about “running errands.” It has allowed us to teach our children how to cook. And, it also saved us a TON of money!
For all of the details on the challenge, make sure to watch week one’s video if you haven’t already, below!
Also, make sure to bookmark this page! This is where you will find all of the links to the tutorials, resources, and recipes for the entirety of the challenge.

Printable Tracker
After you have watched week one’s video, download the printable challenge tracker below. Remember, the goal is to ditch 20 store bought items in 2025.
Ready to dive in? Here are all of the links to the tutorials, resources, and recipes. Enjoy!